Medicare Information
Costos, elegibilidad y otra información importante

Medicare, administrado por los Centros de Medicare & Servicios de Medicaid, ayuda a pagar la atención hospitalaria para pacientes hospitalizados, atención de enfermería, médicos’ tarifas, medicamentos y otros servicios y suministros médicos para personas mayores de 65 años, así como para personas que han estado recibiendo beneficios por discapacidad del Seguro Social durante dos años o más.

- Tienes 65 años.
- Es ciudadano estadounidense o residente permanente que ha vivido en los EE. UU. durante al menos 5 años.
- Ha trabajado y pagado al Seguro Social durante más de 10 años o su cónyuge es elegible para Medicare.
- Usted o su cónyuge es un empleado del gobierno que no pagó al Seguro Social pero pagó los impuestos de Medicare.
- Si es menor de 65 años y tiene derecho a beneficios por discapacidad del Seguro Social durante al menos 24 meses.
- Si es menor de 65 años con la enfermedad de Lou Gehrig.
- Si es menor de 65 años con insuficiencia renal permanente que requiere diálisis o trasplante.

Satisfied Customers

Professional agents

Years in Medicare

Insurance plans offered
Cost Based on Income
File an Individual Tax Return | File a Joint tax Return | File Married & Separate Tax Returns | You Pay Each Month for Part B (in 2024) | You Pay Each Month for Part D (in 2024) |
$103,000 or less | $206,000 or less | $103,000 or less | $174.70 | your plan premium |
above $103,001 up to $129,000 | above $206,001 up to $258,000 | not applicable | $244.60 | $12.90 + your plan premium |
above $129,001 up to $161,000 | above $258,001 up to $322,000 | not applicable | $349.40 | $33.30 + your plan premium |
above 161,001 up to 193,000 | above $322,001 up to $386,000 | not applicable | $454.20 | $53.80 + your plan premium |
above 193,001 up to 499,999 | above $386,001 up to $749,999 | above $103,001 up to $396,999 | $559.00 | $74.20 + your plan premium |
greater than $500,000 | greater than $750,000 | greater than $397,000 | $594.00 | $81.00 + your plan premium |
Social Security
If you’re already receiving Social Security benefits, you will automatically be enrolled in Medicare Part A & Part B when you turn 65. Otherwise, you will have to sign up yourself. You can enroll: online, by calling Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY users 1-800-325-0778) Monday through Friday from 7AM to 7PM, or in-person at your local Social Security office. You can complete your application up to 4 months before you want your retirement benefits to start. If you would like assistance in enrolling in Medicare one of our Senior Account Managers will help to make sure you get enrolled in the right parts of Medicare – call our office for assistance 1-888-467-4811.

The Coverage Gap
Donut Hole
The “Donut Hole” is the period of coverage when you and your carrier reach a defined out of pocket expense. This is known as the “Coverage Gap.” When you are in the “Donut Hole” you will pay more than your plan’s agreed percentage for Prescription Drugs. Please refer to the chart on the left for specific coverage information for 2024.
This is intended as a basic reference guide, all information is subject to change. We recommend contacting one of our senior account managers for more information regarding your situation.
Medicare Publications
A Quick Look at Medicare
Publication No. 11514
This brochure provides basic information about how Medicare works.
Medicare & You 2024
Publication No. 10050
Coverage decisions, rights and protections, and answers to FAQ.
Learning What Medicare Covers & How Much You Pay
Publication No. 11472
A guide to learning what Medicare covers and how much you’ll pay.
Enrolling in Medicare Part A & Part B
Publication No. 11036
This booklet explains how to enroll in Medicare Parts A & Part B.
Are You Having Trouble Paying for Prescription Drugs?
Publication No. 11318
This publication explains the temporary gap period in the DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program starting January 1, 2019.
4Rs for Fighting Medicare Fraud
Publication No. 11610
The factsheet provides some easy ways to fight Medicare fraud.
Are You Up-To-Date on Your Preventive Services?
Publication No. 11420
An easy-to-use checklist of Medicare-covered preventive services.
Medicare & Home Health Care
Publication No. 10969
This publication gives an overview of Medicare”s covered preventive services.
Medicare and Hospice Benefits: Getting Started
Publication No. 11361
This brochure explains the basics of hospice benefits.
Medicare Coverage Outside the United States
Publication No. 11037
Information about Medicare coverage when traveling outside the U.S.
Medicare Rights & Protections
Publication No. 11534
This booklet lists the rights of people with Medicare.